Wednesday, June 17, 2015

One Act Play

The Break Up
(Enter Lucas, 27, wearing a black sport coat, and Martha, wearing a green dress, 25, wearing a flowery dress, holding hands. Lucas has a large build and is of average height. Martha is smaller than Lucas. The couple has been dating for seven months. They approach a door.)
Martha: I really don’t want to be out tonight, babe. I’m too tired, and I have to work tomorrow, and I don’t want to ruin my only dress.
Lucas: Oh, you’re just saying things. Of course you want to go out. You always like spending time with me.
M: But not tonight. Please, can you just bring me home?
L: Stop being silly. Let’s go inside.
(Lucas opens the door and walks inside. Martha, waiting for Lucas to hold the door open for her, waits until her date closes the door, then opens it for herself. Once both are inside, they walk to a podium, where a women in a uniform stands.)
Hostess: Hi, welcome to Friendly’s… Hey, Martha. How are you? I couldn’t recognize you without your apron on.
M: I’m doing well…
L: (Interrupting Martha) We want a table for two, please
H: Ya, sure. (Grabs menus.) You can follow me.
(The hostess brings the couple to a table. The couple holds hands again, although Martha has a depressed look on her face. Lucas sits first, then Martha takes her chair and sits down opposite from him. The hostess walks back to the podium, and Martha continues to show her upset expression.)
L: (Curiously) What’s wrong, honey?
M: Nothing.
L: Are you sure? Do you want to move to a different table or something?
M: No.
L: Alrighty, then. Then why don’t you cheer up so we can eat?
M: (Exhaling) Okay.
(A server delivers food to the table. Lucas receives the Double Cheeseburger with bacon, and Martha receives the Caesar Salad. The server walks away.)
L: (With food in his mouth) Wow… This burger is amazing.
M: I’m sure it is.
(They each have a bite of their dinner.)
M: Sweetie, did you remember your wallet?
L: Of course I did. How silly of you to think that. Have some trust in me, please.
M: Okay, sorry.
(Another pause for a bite.)
L: So how was your day?
M: Fine.
L: Anything special happen?
M: No.
L: C’mon. Nothing? Not even going out with me right now? That’s gotta be special.
M: You know how I feel about being with you.
L: Just tell me this is special, for me. (A pause). Please.
M: (Reluctantly, sounding rehearsed) Our time together is very special.
L: Thank you. Now let’s get some ice cream.
(The server comes back and they each order an ice cream. The Server walks away, then comes back with their desserts and the check.)
L: Now let’s see here. (Looks at the check.) Uh, that’s a little expensive. What did you get, Martha?
M: Less than you did.
L: It doesn’t look like it here. Oh well, then. Let’s pay and get out of here. (Checks his pockets). Uh, Martha…I think I forgot my wallet.
M: You said you brought it this time.
L: Well, I guess I didn’t. Could you get it this time? I’ll pay you back, I promise.
M: Lucas, this is the third time this month. (Getting louder.) And you haven’t paid me back at all. You know I’m not a money tree.
L: I’m sorry, sweetie.
M: (Getting even louder.) No, you’re not sorry. Because you are going to keep doing this again and again until I have nothing left. And trust me, on this pace, it won’t be long until that happens.
L: (Sounding surprised) Whoa, Martha, I had no idea you felt this way. Look, once we leave, I’ll find my wallet and I’ll pay you back everything that I owe you.
M: (Takes a deep breath, and in a soft and quiet voice) No, that’s okay. You don’t have to do that. (One more breath) Lucas, I’ve been thinking about this, about “us,” for a while, and, well, I don’t want “us” anymore.
L: (Tearing up) Wha-Wha-Wha, What? Please don’t leave me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ll be a mess without you.
M: I’m sorry, Lucas. We just can’t be together anymore. It’s just not meant to be. I can’t be with a person who thinks I am nothing.
L: (Crying even more) How did you get that idea? I love you, and I want you to feel super special.
M: Well then that’s how you should have treated me before. Goodbye.
(Martha stands up and walks out of the restaurant, through the door the couple entered, leaving Lucas sitting at the table with the unpaid check. He is crying his eyes out with his head his down on the table. Everyone in the restaurant is staring at him.)


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